Make your nutrition products work for you!

Enjoy them. 

Make sure they are safe, rich with superfoods and great whole foods ingredients. And use them often.

If you know me, you know this.. I am a lover of life! of experiences, of travel, of the good life.. AKA - I love great wine and great chocolate as much as I love eating cleaning and experimenting with new veggies from the farmer's market :)

I chose Arbonne for my nutrition products for one main reason - they are the highest quality products on the market. The best ingredients, backed by and third party auditing for safety and quality control, and cutting edge research and ingredient updates as the planet and availability of sustainable natural resources change.  

 And I found Arbonne because some of the healthiest, most authentic people I know introduced them to me. Want to know more about Arbonne? Check out this quick article here! 


My top 5 favorite Arbonne Nutrition products


1) Super greens!

Of course. I can't live without super greens :) 

I know their not everyone's favorite because they are earthy in flavor, but when you mix them in with my second favorite Arbonne nutrition product - the protein powder, it's a completely different experience in flavor. They are also ridiculously good for you. 

I have them every other day or so in my smoothie!



2) Protein Powder.

What I love about it 

- super tasty! 

- low glycemic (clinically tested) and does not skyrocket my bloodsugar. In fact it does the opposite. While it is light in texture, it actually grounds me and makes me feel stable, which is the best feeling in the morning or after a workout.

- I love all flavors of the proteins and the ability to change it up. I'm a bit of a chocolate hound, so I often use chocolate on it's own mixed with almond milk or coconut milk for a super simple smoothie. It's like dessert! And when I make my blended smoothie I use the Vanilla or Plain protein and blend with greens, fiber boost, probiotic, and fruit + veggies. 

- It also has 20g of proteins and 100% of amino acids, which makes it really easy to digest.


3) Daily Fiber Boost

Boost it up!

As a person that prides myself of eating plenty of whole foods fiber in my day, I didn't think I would use this product as often as I do. But the fiber boost is awesome!

How I use it:

- When i'm really hungry after a workout in my smoothie. Helps to fill me up.

- Anytime I know I'm going out for the day. I'm not sure how much healthy food I'll have access to. Or after a day of less than ideal eating, to get back on track. It is one of those nutrition boosters that's a secret weapon. And the best part is that it's not a psyllium husk fiber drink. 

4) Digestion Plus

I always prefer taking supplements in drink form, so I was excited to learn about this single serving nutrition essential that I add to my smoothie on the daily. It turns out that this is the best way to absorb probiotics as well. 

If you're asking - why do I need a probiotic? You should email me :) Proper digestion is so vastly underrated in wellness, although it is starting to get more attention. The health of the flora and fauna of our gut is directly linked to proper absorption of nutrients from our food, and the ability for the digestive tract to function well. This issue of digestive health has been linked to everything from cancer prevention, stress release, emotional health and more. And it starts here!


5) Tea! 

I LOVE tea. And I also love using tea time in my day as a way to cleanse, reset, and take a little break from the busyness of everyday life. This is one of my top go-to herbal tea- both for flavor and for cleansing properties. It's light and sweet and enjoyable.

It's also a nice way to incorporate a quick cleansing drink (milk thistle, peppermint, dandelion) that you can carry with you anywhere you go - unlike a kombucha, my other favorite healthy addiction! 

30 Days to Healthy Living Program