1) I am pure divine energy. I deserve to be happy, safe and remember my inherent freedom and joy that is dependent on nothing in the outside world.

2) I am here on purpose. My life is meaningful and beautiful. And it is through paying attention to my thoughts, my heart, and my actions that I continue to cultivate a beautiful mind, heart and life.

3) Rigorous honesty AND compassion with myself is key to living a life that minimizes drama and stuck energy. And is key to clear seeing.

4) Spending time each day to connect to my prayer (intention) is grounding and freeing.

5) Everyone makes mistakes. Including me. I am not my mistakes or my successes. I am not my body or my mind. But these are gifts I have been given to experience this beautiful life in a clear and loving way.

Also there are no mistakes! Every moment is an opportunity to learn, forgive, and realign.

6) Listen to my body. It is wise.

7) Practice is always a good idea. Intuition comes through daily, committed practice. Intuition is golden. Trusting it and following it is gold.

7) Give in to spontaneous feelings of love and joy every day, as much as possible. They are ultimate nourishment.

8) All of my dreams are possible. Look around. They are already happening. What else is possible?

8) To continue to live in alignment with my prayer, and to influence the world in a positive way, in a way only I can, requires consistent honoring of my dreams and not what society, or my parents, or my friends expect.

9) Sometimes this means being willing to have hard conversations, have people be disappointed with me, saying no, unless its a HELL YES. Or a gut-level sincere curiosity :)

10) I am doing the very best I can. And I'm doing GREAT! And I truly love who I am, all the learnings so far, and who I am becoming.